Saturday, April 11, 2009

is the sidekick 09 really here????? G2 mabye

Well, we all know what went down last time T-Mobile held a private launch event in NYC… G1 time. Well guess what folks, a little invitation hit our inboxes earlier today and it looks like T-Mobile has another shindig all lined up for April 21st. Ruh roh! So what do our pals at Tmo have in store this time around? While the upcoming Sidekick LX Blade 2009 etc is fresh on everyone’s minds right now, we’re guessing this is going to be a G2 announcement — sorry Sidekick faithful. We’ll be on hand at the event, live-blogging whatever it is T-Mobile throws our way, but until then… Speculation time. Talk amongst yourselves.

This isn’t based on any tips or ninja-related information, just more like logical thinking, we guess. But, is there anyone out there that thinks T-Mobile USA wont be announcing the T-Mobile G2 at CTIA? We nailed the April release date back when we scooped the G2 — we even got the other mystery carrier right — and even though a lot of people doubted it would come so soon (it’s only the same phone without a keyboard, but whatever), we were pretty sure it was spot on. Additionally, we’ve just been made aware of the fact that the Cupcake update looks to be coming around April as well. Good timing, huh? Get all those old G1s upgraded Audemars Piguet style.

If we’re wrong, we’ll buy the T-Mobile team dinner. What do you guys think?

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